Vanquish meets contactless aesthetics, painless, painless, contactless thinning with a new technology.

Nowadays, irregular nutrition, spores due to work intensity, unable to spend time, long hours in cars or in offices, and still life are hardships. On this monotone there is a grease kit that grows inside and grows slowly. I do not have time for anything, but I would like to look at the pain, pain, but you want to say Vanquish ME is for you …

BTL Vanquish ME, a very popular device in America and Europe, is a state-of-the-art and uncommon system that finds and removes regional and stereotyped oils evenly without contact. Thanks to Vanquish me selective radiofrequency technology, many electrodes in the head are targeted to the oil in the tissue. During the process the skin heats up differently from muscle tissue and fat tissue. When the skin is at a much lower temperature, the fat heats up at the melting point and a homogeneous dissolution is achieved. Diet, non-melting sports, especially around the belly, “love handle” called side oils, legs inside and outside of the oil affects the tissue. Therefore, locally unmelted fat tissue begins to melt and body shape.

Is Contacting Aesthetics Safe With Vanquish Me?

After many clinical trials, VANQUISH ME is a technology that has received circumferential fat reduction from the US health care organization FDA. It provides a safe and comfortable application.

How long is the contactless aesthetic procedure with Vanquish Me?

Contactless thinning with Vanquish me is usually planned as 4 sessions. Each session lasts 30-45 minutes. Session intervals are usually applied in a week. The application is painless and painless, so you can read the book during the operation and you can sleep. After the transaction you can continue your daily life from where you left off.